Abundant Air Duct Cleaners
As Featured in the Citizen Newspaper - Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Breathe Easy in the Granite State
Giant dust balls. Plaster dust from a home renovation. Lego pieces and ladybug carcasses. Mouse droppings (as well as the occasional dead mouse). And, believe it or not, a piece of a long-ago discarded turkey sandwich.
Who would have thought all of these - and more - could be nestled in the depths of the heating/air conditioning ducts in your home!
This is just a partial list of the items that Mark Dadian might remove from his customer's heating/ventilation/air conditioning (HVAC) ducts on a typical day.
Before you switch on that forced hot air heat this winter, or your air conditioning this summer, consider what might be lurking in the ducts, which carry that air to you. If you thought the air you were breathing was nice and warm, think again. It may be warm, but it's far from nice.
Your heating ducts could contain a host of unwanted elements, sending potentially noxious air particles throughout your home for you and your family to breathe. And if allergies or asthma have reared their ugly heads in your household, you'll want to know more.
Abundant Air Duct Cleaning is a new business located in Laconia that is aimed at removing all the nasty stuff out of your air vents. Mark Dadian, owner of Abundant Air Duct Cleaning, isn't new to the home services business. He has operated Hydro-Pro Power Wash for almost eight years and has a long list of customers who look to him to solve some pretty ugly household problems.
"Adding Abundant Air Duct Cleaners to my list of services is a natural expansion," said Dadian. "While Hydro-Pro essentially services the exterior of a house or commercial structure, Abundant Air will get right into the heart of a home or business…into the heating and cooling elements, one of the most important and basic fixtures in a building."
The cleaning process is a bit more involved than a simple vacuuming-out-the-lines approach. While this is one way some companies try to clean HVAC ducts, it's not the responsible way, said Dadian. In fact, some Better Business Bureaus want to be notified in any of these "blow-and-go" duct cleaning companies knock on your door, since those methods have proven to be so ineffective.
Following much research and investigation, Dadian came upon a technique that he considers the "gold standard" of duct cleaning.
Abundant Air Duct Cleaning uses a process called a Direct Contact or Push/Pull method. Initially, a powerful vacuum is attached to the ductwork at the furnace, creating a negative-air environment. Then a rooms' air registers are removed and a compressed air nozzle is inserted into the duct itself. While the nozzle forces all the debris down the ducts, the triple filtered vacuum (with a HEPA filtration system) sucks up all the nasty stuff that has flown down the ductwork during the cleaning process. To make the technique even more efficient, a wand of brushes agitates or "scrubs" the inside of the ductwork with the nozzle and vacuum working together to further loosen and remove any hard-to-move particles, sending all of the offending material into the vacuum container for removal.
To confirm the cleaning process has removed all possible debris from the ductwork, Dadian inserts a camera at the vacuum hook-up and monitors the cleaning with a portable video screen. You can, actually, watch the dirt fly out of your house! So, you're thinking, I'm looking into my ducts and I don't see any stuff in the grates or ducts. Why should I clean them if they don't look dirty? Dadian said that even new buildings, whether they are homes or office space, can benefit from duct cleaning. All those small particles that are almost invisible to the naked eye can clog and lesson the efficiency of a heating or air conditioning system. Much like a car, heat and air conditioning systems are mechanical. When properly tuned, they cost less to run and can provide homeowners with a longer life before costly repairs or replacement are necessary. Furthermore, air conditioning systems can cause water condensation in the ducts, which can lead to the growth of mold or mildew, a known allergen trigger.
Residential properties of all sizes can benefit from duct cleaning, but so can many businesses and health care facilities. Nursing homes, hospitals, office buildings and schools can all benefit from duct cleaning, providing the highest quality internal air environment.
The cost to clean a homes' HVAC ductwork with Abundant Air will run about $300-$600, and can take from four to eight hours to complete. Abundant Air Duct Cleaning also offers dryer vent cleaning services as well.
Dadian is presently overseeing each and every cleaning that Abundant Air conducts. He is also an active member of the Chamber of Commerce, on the Advisory Board of the Salvation Army and has donated his services to charity organizations, including St. Vincent de Paul, Ozanam Place and Habitat for Humanity.
For more information on Abundant Air Duct Cleaners and Hydro-Pro Power Wash, contact Mark Dadian, 708 Union Avenue, #8, Laconia, NH, 03246 or call 866-527-0077 or email mark@hydropropw.com
Daryl Carlson/Citizen Photo
MARK DADIAN of Abundant Air Duct Cleaners uses forced air from a compressor in the first stages of cleaning air ducts.
Hydro-Pro Power Wash, LLC
163 Meredith Center Road
Meredith, NH 03253

Phone: (603) 527-0077
